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24/05/2023 – 26/05/2023

Quest’anno, Eurosets parteciperà per la prima volta al congresso SMART – Smart Meeting Anesthesia Resuscitation inTensive care –  che si terrà a Milano presso Allianz MiCo – South Wing, dal 24 al 26 Maggio 2023.

Dal 1990, il congresso SMART è apprezzato da rinomati esperti provenienti da tutto il mondo. Nato come punto di contatto tra la comunità scientifica e il mondo dell’industria, l’incontro SMART ha sempre raccolto le migliori idee da questo rapporto sinergico, combinando un programma scientifico di alto livello con un’ampia e diversificata esposizione tecnica delle più recenti attrezzature mediche e prodotti farmaceutici.

Eurosets, per questa edizione, sponsorizzerà due Simulation Sessions:

“eCPR Cheat Sheet: a simulation scenario”, prevista il 24 Maggio dalle 16:30 alle 18:00 presso il Simulation Center;

“Insights into the ECMO hub & Spoke model, Logistical, clinical and technical challenges”, prevista il 25 Maggio dalle 10:00 alle 11:00 presso il Simulation Center.

Vieni a trovarci al nostro booth n° 32-33!

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24/05/2023 – 26/05/2023

This year, Eurosets will participate for the first time to SMART – Smart Meeting Anesthesia Resuscitation inTensive care – congress, which will take place at the Allianz MiCo – South Wing, in Milan from the 24th to the 26th of May 2023.

Since 1990, the SMART meeting is valued by a faculty of renowned experts from all over the world. Born as a point of contact between scientific community and the world of industry, the SMART meeting has always gathered the best ideas from this synergic relationship, combining a top level scientific program with a wide and diversified technical Exhibition of the latest medical equipment and pharmaceutical products.

During this edition, Eurosets sponsors two Simulation Sessions:

-“eCPR Cheat Sheet: a simulation scenario” on the 24th May, from 4.30pm – 6pm at the Simulation Center;

-“Insights into the ECMO hub & Spoke model, Logistical, clinical and technical challenges” on the 25th of May, from 10am – 11am at the Simulation Center.

Come visit us at our booth n° 32-33!

Visit the website
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